
Virgílio A. P. Machado, Ph.D. (1978), University of Florida, USA, is Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering at the School of Sciences and Engineering (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia) of the New University of Lisbon (Universidade Nova de Lisboa – UNL), University of Portugal.

He has been teaching Industrial Engineering, in Portugal, since 1979, and is currently involved in computer aided production planning and design.

He has completed several Industrial Engineering projects for public agencies and private enterprises. He is a member of national and international professional associations, namely the Portuguese Institute of Industrial Engineering (Instituto Português de Engenharia Industrial – IPEI), of which he is a founding member, senior member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) and Faculty Advisor of the IIE UNL Chapter, and Alpha Pi Mu, the industrial engineering honor society.

He has been granted several scholarships from the University of Lourenzo Marques (Universidade de Lourenço Marques), where he completed his undergraduate degree, from the Fulbright Commission, the Institute of Higher Culture (Instituto de Alta Cultura), the National Institute for Scientific Research (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica), the Secretary of State for Higher Education (Secretaria de Estado do Ensino Superior), the United States Agency for International Development, ERASMUS and TEMPUS programs of the European Union Commission, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Luso-American Foundation, and the New University of Lisbon.

Virgilio A. P. MachadoApartado 3132826-801 CaparicaPortugal


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